We have Probate Lead packages specifically designed for Realtors. We allow you to target your clientele at the city and zip code levels.
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5/10/All Leads
1x Quarterly Historical
Up To 3 Years
Ideal for Realtors Seeking Nearby City Level Leads
Monthly Subscriptions
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Historical (By Count)
3/6/12/24 Mo. Packages
Ideal for Realtors who want to Jump Start a New Area
Monthly Subscriptions
25/50/100/250/All Leads
1x Quarterly Historical
Up To 3 Years
Ideal for Investors and Brokers that service County size areas
*Only USPL has the Inventory to allow Pricing so Low
Ideal for Large Sales Teams/Multiple Locations
*Our bulk leads program is for historical data from 4 to 24 months.
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Over 10,000+ Clients Have Ordered From US Probate Leads
Selling the Best Residential Probate Leads in America for the last 20 years. We have more than 1M filings in inventory and it is growing each month.
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